A concept website platform for one-way video interviewing.

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Overview is an interactive resume platform that combines a traditional resume with video and allows job seekers to highlight their communication skills, passion, and value.

Our team was assigned to work on the company’s new product, a one-way video interviewing platform which connects recruiters & hiring mangers to candidates.

I was primarily responsible for the user research processes that included competitive analysis, interviews, user journey, and eventually the creation of the design solution.


UX Research

UX Design



3 weeks


Figma & Photoshop

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How might we use a one-way video interviewing platform which could give hiring manger enough information they need about a candidate in order to efficiently expedite the hiring process?

The traditional hiring process is expensive, time consuming, and inefficient. Resumes provide data that may require more clarification and this is usually accomplished during a phone screening. One-way video interviews would allow candidates to dive deeper into the preset questions by the hiring managers.



By creating a detailed interviewing tool with better evaluation organization for talent recruiters we can achieve an effective one-way interview experience for employers.

One-way video interviewing platform is completely new in the US. We wanted to make the product fit for the market niche we build the framework to make it fun and engaging while including meaningful features. Build a model which includes a mix of free and paid revenue.





Completed competitive analysis across 7 different platforms and narrowed down to 49 of their best features to understand what the current market requires and what features their products lack. In addition, we read multiple reviews and watched several videos related to these products in order to understand specific user pain-points.

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To further understand user attitudes, awareness, and adaptability towards the new interview concept, we surveyed 46 jobs seekers.


Conducted 11 interviews to learn about the day to day pain points of the hiring professionals.





• Hiring needs of employers greatly vary depending on industry and positions.
• Talent recruiters felt that traditional vetting processes failed around 25% of the time and it takes too much time.
• The type of information needed to properly vet candidates is hard to tease out.
Communication, personality fit, and understanding a candidate’s thought process were major hiring considerations.


Top 3 drawbacks

• The possibility of poor audio or video quality
• External distractions (ie: background noise, unexpected pet visit, etc.)
• Feeling uncomfortable on camera

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Building Empathy


Using the quantitative and qualitative data from interviews and survey results, we defined the target user profiles of Sarah (Junior Recruiter, looking for candidates at entry level positions). We imaged her before-and-after journey using Vibio.

To better empathize with Sarah, we also created her storyboard prioritizing her goals based on her needs.


Featurization (MVP)


Each member of the team white-boarded a list of freemium and paid features. We then narrowed down on which features should be included in free version and why. This allowed us to ensure the product is not just useful but is also profitable.

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Constructing The Solution


With all my research and conclusions in mind, I started sketching the “create interview” process page. Starting with some rough sketches on paper, sought feedback from my teammates and then brought the final ideations to life in Figma.

We divided the platform into the following 3 stages of which we focused on building.

  • Creating and Sending Interviews

  • Performing Interviews

  • Evaluating Interviews


Final Design Solution



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As per our client’s request we wanted to make the platform welcoming and not just task driven.

We then chose two main colors; orange and blue since those colors already existed on the site but we decided to soften them to achieve similar comfort established within users by other popular websites like Facebook and LinkedIn.



To make the website standout, we used a couple of new ideas. One is the drag and drop method as the competition usually used clickable methods. The main reason to develop this method is to make the interview building process intuitive.

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As part of the MVP featurization evaluation, we decided to include “timestamp commenting” while watching a video. This would benefit companies where multiple individuals review candidates. This helps log interview feedback/comments to share with others or to reference later.




Since our project was focused on the Creating and Sending stage of the interview process, I believe there is still immense opportunity on the Performing and Evaluation stages. As a final step and if the project scope was larger, we would have performed a usability test on hiring professionals and candidates to obtain feedback.


We started this project with limited knowledge of the industry and ran into issues while accessing competitor sites as they required subscription sign-ups. Initially it took a lot of time to find the right resources to learn about the industry and thereby emphasized the importance of tapping into my network. On a personal level, I learned that communication is key to great outcomes. And by communication, it doesn’t start and stop with just the client as your key data providers is the sample you use to base your case on as well the team you are working with.